Polyurethane: A Super-Material and Champion of Solutions

Polyurethane: A Super-Material and Champion of Solutions

Polyurethane’s properties and potential uses never cease to amaze us. It’s everywhere; it’s part of our everyday lives without us even knowing it. Whether it’s being used as a sealer or heat insulator, for quieter soles on shoes, or for tougher linings, polyurethane’s versatility and resilience make it a true super-material. In fact, according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), using it as an insulator to seal air leaks could lead to savings of up to 11% on energy bills per capita!

While polyurethane is an essential part of many everyday objects, it also has more specialized applications, like in the industrial sector. Its sound-deadening properties make it a top choice for use in soundproofing for the construction industry and even in recording studios. In short, polyurethane really is everywhere, from everyday objects to our cars, homes, and tools.


As a highly malleable material, polyurethane can be moulded as a quick fix for a crack or seal. Its incredible properties make it the perfect choice for managing problems caused by rust, abrasion, impact, and wear and tear.

Its malleability and durability also make it the material of choice for a wide variety of industrial applications. The fact that it’s used in so many different items and parts show that it’s truly a wise choice when it comes to fast, reliable, and relatively budget-friendly solutions.


Because we specialize in manufacturing polyurethane solutions, we’re often approached by customers who have unique needs. We’re happy to use this incredibly versatile, useful material to help!


Recently, a customer came to us wondering if we could help them fix a pipe that was being worn down by abrasive products. We put our skills and ingenuity to use to find a polyurethane solution. The result: a completely new product.

Our custom solution needed to be able to withstand 150 psi and allow the customer to continue operating safely for a certain amount of time. It’s also difficult for this customer to get replacement parts quickly, meaning that breakage could cause a shutdown of their site.

We ended up designing a low-pressure pipe patch, which we informally call a “pipe saddle.” Designed specifically to patch pipes that have been damaged by abrasive products, this solution covers and protects the damaged part of the pipe so that our customer can keep going without having to worry about the damaged pipe. It’s not a permanent fix, but it lets teams and companies continue operations with fewer costly interruptions.

What’s more, this incredibly useful patch is currently being certified to withstand 150 psi.

Parts like this aren’t just useful for the industrial sector, either—they can also be used in other industries, like forestry and mining. In other words, they can be used, and useful, in a wide variety of situations.


While this part was originally designed as a custom solution, it could potentially be made in two or three different sizes and kept in our inventory to meet demand. Customers could receive the part as soon as they order it. In addition, we are also developing a seal for elbow joints to help even more customers.

We can create the perfect part for all sorts of applications. Just let us know what you need, how it will be used, and which parts need a solution. Because we craft custom solutions for our customers’ specific needs, we can tailor your product down to the smallest details.

Don’t hesitate to get in touch if you’re looking for a super solution: https://polyplasts.com/en/contact






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